

Playlists offer a simple way to share a collection of simulations with experience users. Each playlist has a generated pin code in which experience users can input into the system to gain access to the simulations.


Before using playlists, consider the following points.

  1. All simulations must be public in order for them to be added and can be viewed from the playlist.

  2. If a user does not login when loading a simulation in a playlist, their session will be recorded with userId of playlist-{pinCode}.

Creating a Playlist

  1. Navigate to Simulations.

  2. Click on Manage Playlists.

  3. In the Playlist Selection screen, type in a new playlist name and click on Create New.

  1. Click the Edit (pencil) icon begin adding your simulation.

  2. Select a public simulation from the dropdown and click Add to populate the playlist.

  1. Simulations can also be reordered with the up and down arrows, and removed from the playlist with the X button.

  2. (Optional) The require user login option will force users to login before loading the playlist.

  3. Finally, click on Get Code to view the pin code for the simulation.

Accessing a Playlist

  1. To access a playlist, acquire a pin code from an author.

  2. Next, click on Input Pin Code in the web, desktop, or VR apps.

  1. Click Playlist and enter the pin code.

  1. Click on the simulation and the View icon that you want to experience.

Last updated