
Enables a virtual person to gesture and speak with generated text-to-speech.

Message: The text to speak. Click on the Headphone icon to preview the spoken text.

Person: The virtual person that will do the speaking.

Audio Output Type: If Text to Speech is used, the speech audio will be generated. If further customization is required, the Uploaded Audio option enables users to upload pre-recorded voices.

Voices: Only available for an audio output type of Text to Speech. List of voices available for generation.

Audio File: Only available for an audio output type of Uploaded Audio. The file of the pre-recorded voice.

Animation Type:

  • None: Do not animate the virtual person while speaking

  • Random: (Default) Use a random speaking animation while speaking

  • Selected: Select a specific animation to use while speaking

Animation: Only available for a Selected animation type. Animation to play when speaking.

Wait Until Finished Speaking: If active, the state machine will pause until the virtual person's speech is done playing.

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