Display Image

This action allows you to display images from your repository on a 2D plane in 3D space.

Displayed Image: Selection of user uploaded images.

Wait Until Finished: Determines if the state will advance while the image is displayed. If this is true, the state will not progress until the user had closed the image.

Dimensions: The of the image in pixels.

Stretch Image: Determines if the user wants the image to be able to be stretch. If this is true, the image will forcibly be stretched to the dimensions provided. If this is false, the image will retain its aspect ratio and will use the larger of the dimensions as the size reference. Ex. 1920 x 1080 image with a dimension of 1080x1080 will result in an image displayed as 1080x610.

Placement: Where the image will be placed, anchored or within the simulation.

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