Add Feedback Log

The Add Feedback Log is used to store information about to be shown to the user at a later time with the Show Feedback Log action. Currently, there are 2 different feedback panels that you can popula

Feedback Panel dropdown: Select which feedback panel you would like the log to update to, either Performance Notes, or Utterance Scoring.

1. Performance Notes will have the log written to the Performance Notes Feedback Display Panel with whatever text you populate the feedback panel with. This is usually utilized with most simulations where actions are performed by users rather than speech or dialog done by the user. See Show Feedback Log

2. Utterance Scoring will give you more fields to add information about the feedback. The fields for Utterance Scoring will change what part of the Utterance Scoring Feedback Display Panel is written to. This is usually utilized for conversational based simulations where you want to evaluate the user on what they say and in what context they were in when they did. See Show Feedback Log You have the following fields:

a. 3 Bullet Points: Typically used to remind the user of any information not immediately relevant to the other sections

b. Context for Response: Used to remind the user of what situation they were in when they gave the response, such as who they were talking to or what decisions were made up to that point in the scenario

c. Received Score and Max Score: The value of their response and what was the most amount of points they could have earned in that dialog branch.

d. Score Description: Written information on why the user received the score that they were given

e. Ideal Response: What would be the ideal response in the given scenario

  1. Add in the relevant information you would like for your feedback to the user.

a. As a reminder, if you add a variable value using the <VO.VONAME.VOATTRIBUTE> then it will show you the value of the attribute at the time the Performance Notes is called. Whereas if all you want is the value when the Performance Notes was created you will want to insert an * as shown here: <VO*.VONAME.VOATTRIBUTE>

b. For example, if you had an object of the name BlueCube1 and you had a variable of the name CurrentScore and you wanted to display the value of the variable in the feedback panel you could write “The player’s current score is <VO.BlueCube1.CurrentScore>”. This would display the value of the CurrentScore variable at the time the log is displayed. So if the variable value is 3 the full display would be “The player’s current score is 3”.

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